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Education Resources

Teacher Resources

Wildwood has a wide range of NC-linked teacher resources which can be used in advance of your visit, on the day or for follow-up work.

Primary School Resources: Foundation-KS1-KS2

Key Stage 1 Badgers
Key Stage 1 Beavers
Key Stage 1 Deer
Key Stage 1 Frogs
Key Stage 1 Otters
Key Stage 1 Owls
Key Stage 1 Red Foxes
Key Stage 1 Wolves
Key Stage 2 Adaptation
Key Stage 2 Habitats
Key Stage 2 Badgers
Key Stage 2 Beavers
Key Stage 2 Frogs
Key Stage 2 Otters
Key Stage 2 Owls
Key Stage 2 Red Foxes
Key Stage 2 Wolves

Secondary School Resources: KS3-KS4

We have a range of worksheets to accompany activities on the day of your visit. These will be provided on the day by your tutor. At the moment we do not have any downloadable activity packs for KS3 or KS4. They will appear here in future.

A Level and IB Students

Worksheets for ecology days will be provided on the day by your tutor. See our conservation page for information packs on captive breeding and reintroduction, conservation grazing and large carnivore reintroduction.

Whether you’re a seasoned home educator or you’re just starting out, we have developed a series of worksheets and activities which are based on the National Curriculum and appropriate for your child’s year level. Be sure to check this page often, as we will continue to update it on a regular basis.

Make Your Own Bear Mask

Coloured card or stiff paper | Scissors | Pencils | Glue-stick | Yarn or string | Various round items, such as plates, mugs and glasses

Choose a plate smaller than your sheet of card, but large enough to cover your face. Place the plate flat upon the card. Hold plate in place with one hand and trace around it using a pencil.

Remove the plate. Cut out circle of card. This will form the face of the mask.

Choose a smaller item to make the ears, such as a mug. Place item upon the card. Hold item in place with one hand and trace around it using a pencil.

Remove item and cut out circle of card.

Repeat Steps 3 and 4 so you have two separate circles of card. These will be the outer ears of the mask.

Choose a different item, smaller than that used in Step 3. Place item upon the card. Hold item in place with one hand and trace around it using a pencil.

Remove item and cut out circle of card.

Repeat Steps 6 and 7 so you have two separate circles of card. These will be the inner ears of the mask.

Match up the outer and inner ears.

Spread glue onto one of the small, inner ears, then place it glue side down in the centre of one of the larger, outer ears. Repeat for the second ear and then allow to dry.

Place both ears behind the face of the mask. When they are in a position that you like, remove one ear, spread glue on the concealed area and then stick it to the underside of the face.

Repeat for the second ear and then allow to dry.

Choose an even smaller item to make the nose, such as a small jar. Place item upon the card. Hold item in place with one hand and trace around it using a pencil.

Remove item and cut out circle of card.

Place the nose on the face of the mask. When it is in a position that you like, spread glue onto the nose, then place it glue side down on the face.

Allow the nose to dry.

Use the cap of the glue-stick to mark the eyes. Position the capped glue-stick between the nose and the ears. Hold glue-stick in place with one hand and trace around it using a pencil. Repeat for second eye.

Remove the glue-stick and cut out both eyeholes. NOTE – this will need sharp scissors, so an adult may have to do this bit.

Make a small hole on either side of the mask for string or yarn. NOTE – again, this will need sharp scissors, so an adult may have to do this bit as well.

Thread string or yarn through one of the small holes. Tie tightly and then cut the thread.

Repeat Step 20 for the second hole.

In this example, we used brown, white and black card to make a mask of a Brown Bear, like Fluff and Scruff who live at Wildwood.
You can do it differently if you want. White card with a black nose and grey or cream inner ears makes a Polar Bear, while a Panda would have a white face with black ears and extra black circles around the eyeholes.
Or why not use brightly coloured card to make your own amazingly colourful Rainbow Bear?
When you’ve made your mask, please send us photos to education@wildwoodtrust.org. We’d love to see what you make, but make sure you get permission from an adult first.

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