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Leave a Legacy

What will your legacy be?

Most of us would like to be remembered for something positive; to leave a mark on the world and feel that we’ve made a difference in some way. Your will is your chance to take care of everything that’s important to you, family and friends should always come first but including a gift to good causes you are passionate about is a good way to leave your mark and make a difference for future generations.

Our free legacy guide is available to download today, find out more about how a gift in your Will can help us continue protecting, conserving and rewilding British wildlife.


Why is making a will so important?

If you don’t make a will, then the Law, not your family, will decide ‘who gets what’. This can mean that your money is shared out between relatives you never intended to benefit, even distant of relatives could claim against your estate.Making a will doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive and a solicitor can quickly guide you through the process. Even if you don’t feel you have much to leave, you may be surprised when you add it all up. Even for the smallest amounts, it is still important that you know it is going where you want it to.
You will need to work out the value of your estate, how you want it to be distributed and who you wish to be executors/guardians of your will, these should be people you can trust to make sure the instructions of your Will are carried out.

Three types of gift you can leave in your will:
  • A specific sum – This is a gift of a set amount of money specified by yourself.
  • A specific bequest – Where you choose to leave a specific item, such as a painting or jewellery, or even your house.
  • A share of your estate or whatever is left – This is a percentage of your estate after all other gifts and expenses have been paid. These gifts are very important to us as they usually maintain their value or increase over time. This also means you’re less likely to need to amend it in the future.


Remembering Wildwood Trust in your will

Wildwood Trust is a conservation charity dedicated to preserving and protecting British wildlife. Wildwood is not just a wildlife park, but also a unique conservation project, which tells the changing story of British wildlife and woodlands over the last 1,000 years.
Many of the animals at Wildwood are either extinct in the UK or are under threat. Wildwood Trust is continually working to protect Britain’s most endangered wildlife and to reintroduce animals back into the British woodland. Our education programmes and conservation courses also give future generations a true understanding and appreciation of the natural world around them.
But… there is still so much to be done, by leaving a gift for Wildwood in your will, you can help ensure the protection and preservation of our native wildlife and the continued education of future generations.
Any gift left to the Wildwood Trust is tax-free so the money that would have gone to Revenue and Customs will be spent on saving wildlife instead. Your gift, however large or small, will make a real difference for the future. For more information or a private and confidential talk on how your gift could help wildlife, please contact Sarah Anstee on 01227 712111, or e-mail sarah.anstee@wildwoodtrust.org.


Why I choose to remember the Wildwood Trust in my will

”The Wildwood Trust offers my grandchildren a unique insight into a world that is being lost forever. Leaving a living legacy to Wildwood is one of the most important things anyone can do to protect wildlife for our future generations”. – Ken West


Make a free online will

With our partner makeawillonline.co.uk, we offer a free online wills service: www.makeawillonline.co.uk/wildwood where you can make a single will or a pair of wills in three easy steps. All wills are checked by a fully qualified solicitor and covered by £2m insurance. If there are any points of concern, the solicitor will contact you with suggested amendments or clarifications. You can update or edit your will up to three times in the 30 days from completion of the will.Did you know that wills with large gifts to charity are more likely to be challenged? All wills made through makeawillonline.co.uk can be protected for FREE with Capacity Vault. Capacity Vault lets you make a secure digital record of your testamentary capacity and protects your will from being challenged, giving you the peace of mind that your wishes will be honoured.To help us to say thank you and to enable us to plan for the future, details of your legacy will be shared with us: your name, your contact details, the amount of the legacy and the date you made the will. Alternatively, you can make a will online and leave a legacy to us without sharing this information by paying for the will directly here: www.makeawillonline.co.uk.


If you already have a will…

If you do already have a will and want to leave a gift to us, contact your solicitor and let them know your intentions. You can work with them either to (a) make a new will or (b) a shorter and less expensive “codicil”.
Please ensure that your solicitor uses our full name: Wildwood Trust, our charity number: 1093702, and our registered address: Wildwood Trust, Herne Common, Herne Bay, Kent CT6 7LQ.


If you don’t currently have a will…

If you haven’t already made a will you can make one using any solicitor you choose and leave a gift of a specific amount of money or a proportion of your estate to us and other charities. Once your family and friends are catered for, anything you can provide us will make a huge difference to our work.

Did you know that people who leave more than 10% of their estate to charity receive inheritance tax benefits?

If your estate is liable for inheritance tax or if you have complicated requirements for your will, we suggest you speak to your own solicitor to discuss making a will and leaving a gift to us. If you don’t already have a solicitor, you can go to http://solicitors.lawsociety.org.uk/ to search for a local solicitor.

For more information or a private and confidential talk on how your gift could help wildlife, please contact Sarah Anstee on 01227 712111, or e-mail sarah.anstee@wildwoodtrust.org.

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