Explore the wilder areas of Wildwood in a hunt for minibeasts and see how many you can identify. Get a closer look at the little critters with magnifying glasses. Use classification keys to name them. Investigate what their favourite habitats are. This workshop takes place outdoors.

Class Adoptions
A new opportunity to get classes learning about British Wildlife
Our new Class Adoptions combine key elements of the National Curriculum and provide your pupils with an adopted animal within our park for the year ahead, to visit and learn about. We want to help ignite children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, through appreciation of our native wildlife and natural woodland.
The package consists of an engaging one hour educational workshop for your class at our park in Kent and an adoption of the associated animal, all for only £100.
We have a choice of six available workshops:

Brown Bear adoption with our “Bear Hunt” workshop
Take part in a fun outdoor session with woodland activities themed around bears. Hear a bear bed-time story, then see how many bears you can find hiding among the trees. Learn where bears live and make your own bear den using natural materials, then make a camouflage crown to improve your camouflage and become more like a bear. The session takes place outdoors in the woods.

Badger adoption with our “Nocturnal Animal” workshop
Find out more about some of our native nocturnal animals and explore what makes them so well suited to night-time habitats through a mix of activities, including dressing up, role play, games and getting hands-on with resources.

Honey Bee / Bee Hive adoption with our “Busy Bees” workshop
Uncover the hidden world of these vital and complex insects. Who does what in a hive? Why is the queen bee so important? Practise the bee dance, get a bees-eye view of the world and unravel the secret of how to make honey.

Wood Ant / Ant Hill adoption with our “Minibeast” workshop

Owl adoption with our “Awesome Owls” workshop
Hear about owl’s terrible table manners, what they like to eat and how they catch their food in the dark. Then, dissect an owl pellet and see if you can identify what they last ate! Find out what makes an owl so stealthy and if owls really do say ‘too-whit-too-whoo’.

Grey Wolf adoption with our “Let’s Talk Wolf” workshop
Investigate the question of how wolves talk to each other with the help of our puppet wolf, Wilf! Take a closer look at wolves to decide which body parts they might use to communicate with and compare that to how we use our bodies for communication. Compete in a howl-off to learn how to howl properly and test your senses against a wolf’s with fun challenges.
What’s included with our Class Adoptions?
- Beautiful exclusive A4 mounted photo of your chosen animal.
- Certificate of Adoption.
- Animal fact sheet.
- Ticket for one educational workshop (one hour).
- Personalised class plaque at the animal’s enclosure.
All this for only £100
For more information please contact the Education Team on 01227 937 451 or email us at education@wildwoodtrust.org
What you need to know
- Educational workshops are limited to thirty children, and one workshop is included within the package price (additional workshops or guided tours can be purchased from £40).
- Park entry is not included with the workshops and entry fees will need to be paid.
- Our group booking prices are from £4.25 per student (season dependent).
- Group bookings are for a minimum of ten students and must be booked in advance.
- Workshop tickets are valid for twelve months from purchase.
- Workshops take place at our Wildwood Kent park.