Woodland 2500X1500

Wildwood Trust Fire

14th Sep 2020

A fire broke out at Wildwood Trust near Canterbury this afternoon.

The fire started in an off show area of the park and was quickly discovered and the fire brigade were called. All visitors were evacuated and the team worked to bring the situation under control and move animals as needed.

The fire is now under control and the fire brigade are staying on site until further notice.

So far we are only aware of one animal, a red squirrel that has been affected by the fire and all other animals near the fire have been removed to other locations in the park and are safe.

The cause of the fire is being investigated and updates will be posted on our social media channels.

* Wildwood Fire Update * 18:20 14/09/20

As today’s fire occurred in an off-show area and was quickly contained by Kent Fire and Rescue Service, we are fortunate to be able to open the park tomorrow on September 15th as normal.

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